Saturday, February 13, 2010

Relaxing Saturday

I cant believe its Saturday already! On one hand it feels like I've been here longer, and then the other hand- I just left home Monday... and have only been here 4 days in Nakuru. Its kinda exciting to think that I have so much time to experience everything. This morning was quite relaxing, just slept in and did some devotions and started reading a book that came highly recommended to me called 'crazy love' i think. Im not far into it, but its about the crazy way we're loved by God. Looks pretty good. Then Cason made breakfast- pancakes and eggs and fresh mango and pineapple and their car finally was delivered- all fixed!  We drove out to Ngala, the town where the baby center is located- a very small town. I actually thought we were on the driveway when in fact we were on the main road into town. Cason and Colleen lead a Bible study with the youth on Saturdays at 1, so we got there a bit before 2, and by 230 people were showing up. They're studying proverbs right now, and had a bit of a discussion for about a half hour before choir practice (was supposed to) start. Then we played round robin ping pong with a few of the guys..for one game the mzungu (white people) were all pretty evenly matched and sliding around the table on a very verrry dusty floor. The youth were very welcoming (the range in age from around 18-25 probably) and seem like a really fun group and are planning a couple events/outings to do as a group during my time here, which will be really fun. I'll get some pictures of them soon I'm sure. Then we went to the baby center while Cason had soccer practice and played.. and played =) it was a little cloudier and chilly (75 and breezy =)) so the babies were inside which was probably good for my very sunburnt neck! Took more super cute pictures and spent a little more time with the toddlers and tried to start learning some words. I think theres a reason God has me working with children... their vocabulary will be MUCH easier to learn for me... I'm terrible at languages. Its coming though.

Around 6 (this day went so fast!) we headed to where cason was practicing soccer and I got some cool pictures there, as well as meeting some of the neighborhood children who were very cute and (thankfully) liked the camera =)

I'm really excited for church tomorrow morning. The people are soo welcoming and their singing is incredible. I'm hoping its different from anything I've ever experienced, in a amazing and eyeopening/jawedropping way. I think Colleen and Cason often pick up a couple of the kids to bring to church, and then in the afternoon we may bring some home with us for the afternoon =) Its so strange to get used to. Im so accustomed to the daycare setting, with tons of crazy rules- some necessary, but some that just seem to be there to make more work- and parents to 'deal' with.. heres theres none of that. There are some rules, but very few. Basically I think they want the kids to experience 'normal' things, like going to church, or playing in a backyard,  or riding in a car/greeting people on the street, so we get to show them those fun things. Pretty excited about that. =)

Yesterday while we were stuck at home with no car 3 (or was it 4?) of the children from the baby center were adopted! Theres always a few adoptions pending, but these kinda caught us (well colleen- i didnt know anything about it at all ever) off guard. I'll have to ask which ones they were again exactly.. a couple i dont think I ever met the 2 days I was there. But one i carried around for about and hour on thursday, his name is Jeremiah, theres some pictures of him in my album. It sounds like they've gone to good homes though, which is really great.  I'm going to get some pictures uploaded here soon and try to post them tonight. I cant even imagine the number of albums im going to have by the end of march! =) not a bad thing at all though.... if you want to see more pictures, check out Cason and Colleen's blog at:

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying hearing about your experience and seeing the pics! I just have so many questions though! Like...are all the children at the baby center up for adoption? How many children are up for adoption? Have the older ones been there since they were babies? Are these typical Kenyan names? Are there siblings besides the triplets? See what i mean...just so many questions! I realize you may not be able to answer all my questions but these are just the things I think about while seeing all the adorable children! Thanks for sharing your experience with all of us!

